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The Master/Sayings of the Master Sayings of the MasterThere is such an Orthodox prayer to the Holy Spirit: “And cleanse us from all filthiness!” But no: it is we who must cleanse ourselves of the filthiness in us! To whom does God offer His maximum help? To those who have become almost the same as He is, according to the qualitative criterion. This allows such people to merge with Him, to become Him. To do this, they have to gradually grow themselves to a size comparable to the size of the Holy Spirits, having cleared themselves of ethically incorrect deeds and of all the filthiness of their own vices. Theoretically, everything is simple… Let us try to embrace God with ourselves-souls — and then we will successfully grow. * * * Why are we given incarnations? Namely, in order to try to get as close as possible to the state of the Creator by developing in ourselves the missing qualities and getting rid of unnecessary ones. * * * Let the cognizing of God and mergence with Him, as well as our help in this to worthy others be a common goal of all our actions on the spiritual Path. The program minimum is to become like our Teachers — the Holy Spirits. The program maximum is to merge forever with God in the Aspect of the Creator. * * * The spiritual revolution on the Earth is accomplished by the efforts of heroes! The image of such a hero is Danko from Gorky’s novel, “Tales of the Old Woman Izergil”. He, at the cost of his life, illuminated the Path for people. This is what real heroes do, who do not let in themselves the fear of darkness. They lead those who are currently ready to go! Where to get the strength for such feats? God gives it. We then work together with Him. It is necessary to achieve a steady state of unity of the Self of God with the “I” of man. Then the real joint work of God and man on the Earth can be accomplished. * * * A very promising meditation is “Holding everyone on the palms of love.” From the Light, I fill all living beings with my tenderness and love, holding them on my palms. What is the result of this? The center of me moves to the Light-Fire United We of the Holy Spirits. And I dissolve in It. One can cognize Its size. * * * What are the basic rules of behavior for the seekers of God? Namely, freedom from worldly hustle and unpretentiousness. What did Jesus have while traveling? A cloak to hide from the rain and cold. And He would lay His head on a stone for the night. Through this example, He showed us that this was enough! Also, food is needed. * * * It is necessary to see that the basis of human vices is egocentrism! * * * People often live “clinging” to memories: how someone once did something bad to me, etc. If the self-consciousness is coarse and large, then such memories fill the whole space with evil, both inside and outside of the body. Such coarse energy is pathogenic, especially for other beings that get caught up inside of such an energy field. Therefore, one needs to live not in one’s past, but in the present, filled with the search for God and serving Him! And if it doesn’t work out right away, get involved in the mastering of psychic self-regulation according to the methodology described, for example, in “Ecopsychology”. * * * And what is God like? “Tao is a Tender Being.” (see “Tao Te Ching”) It is necessary to turn on the hearing of the soul in order to be sensitive in the spiritual world: what does God want to tell me at the moment? What does He want me to do? * * * “Breathe the freedom!” — this is what Babaji offers us. — “Breathe the aroma of the forest together with Me, inhale it and Me!” How freely live those who have cognized God! They are no longer confused by the hustle of this world! * * * What is the purpose of our lives as long as we have living bodies? It is the direct cognition of God! Meditatively we have traversed the entire Path: from an ordinary person to the Creator. One of His most important qualities is the desire to give Love and Knowledge. And how can we, too, do this? * * * All people who embark on the spiritual Path must learn to selflessly give their love: tenderness, light, and joy! Knowing what, when exactly, and to whom to give — comes with experience. We must become like the Holy Spirits in this regard! * * * The purpose of life of a spiritual ascetic is God, and specifically, the Holy Spirits, including the form of Their United We. One must refine oneself to Their state in order to easily perceive Them. * * * While communicating with us, our Divine Teachers often joke. Why is this so? This is because They were — in Their past — also just “ordinary” People Who developed Themselves during Their lives in bodies to the Divine Perfection. How do we differ from Them? After all, Their states are already familiar to us. We differ only by the absence of our stability in these higher states. * * * The main rebuke to you is that you act on your own, not coordinating your actions with God. How to perceive the Will of God? If the question is asked to a certain Holy Spirit, and not “into space”, and you feel Him or Her, your mergence in love takes place, you become One with that Holy Spirit, and then — the answer will be true. You need to learn this, it comes with experience. * * * People, when they find out that it is possible to hear God, think that He says something continuously. But this is not so. God abides in Peace and speaks only when He needs to say something. It is not possible to make Him speak. * * * Over time, communication with the Holy Spirits will occur even more naturally than with embodied people. Suddenly, you realize this. However, one can quite easily lose this state. The world of embodied people is life "among objects." And when you learn more about the world “on the other side of death”, then that world becomes more apparent and familiar. And you even need to make some effort to switch to the world of embodied people. * * * During meditation, I perceive only the world of the Holy Spirits, becoming One with Them, becoming Love and giving away the Love that I am. It is necessary to capture, to remember this state, and “imprint” it into the soul, in order to be able to reproduce it in any situation — even in such cases when people of evil torture and kill my body. If God creates such a situation, I accept it. This means that I no longer need a material body. I need only God! The experience of meditation completely casts out the fear of death: after all, with the death of the body, I do not cease to exist! * * * Speaking about places of power, it is necessary to distinguish: among them there are places that arose naturally, they are created by the Holy Spirits where, for example, They liked to work or rest with students during Their lives in bodies. And there are “artificial” places of power created by Them in places convenient for Their embodied students to help the evolution of those souls, that is, precisely for a particular meditative work. There are also negative places of power. They can be created by hellish souls. * * * For what reasons are predators necessary in nature; and not only among animals: among people, too? This is to teach promising embodied souls discretion: to teach them either to avoid danger, or to accept their fate. * * * Why do the righteous meet evil in other people? Namely, to learn to discern evil and distinguish between people. In the Russian translation of the New Testament, the words representing the idea that God-the-Father gave Jesus the ability to distinguish between people were translated as “to judge people.” Thus, Jesus was “turned” into a “Monster”, which sends people to hell for insignificant or even imaginary misconducts. But behold, Jesus came to us as soon as we spoke about Him! And, oh, how gentle He is!… * * * On the spiritual Path, all of us have times during which God is testing us and we do not know where to go next. In such cases, we need to refer to our own previous notes. And we suddenly realize: “Here it is!” * * * God is the Purpose, the Teacher, and also the Tempter. By means of temptations, He checks the readiness of each student to move on. * * * The right decision of a spiritual warrior is to perceive the world as a battlefield with his or her own vices, with his or her own ignorance! * * * You say that there are not enough words in the human language to describe your "excursions into the Kingdom of Heaven". Yes, there are not enough words. But, in spite of this, we have arrived! And there are Others who also have arrived — long ago or recently, and we communicate with Them. You are a witness of God! * * * And how insignificant now seems everything, which was a part of our lives before, in comparison with our resurrection in God! And how important it is to get a foothold in this state! And — to help others to cognize what we have cognized! But, first of all, we must focus on helping the most worthy ones! * * * How to preserve the right states on the Path? Hold on the Straight Path! That is the general answer. What else can be done for this purpose? Let everyone decide for himself or herself. * * * The Straight Path is for all people, regardless of differences in nationality, faith, gender, or other insignificant differences. And the one who is perfect, who has entered the Abode of the Creator and maintains this state, will remain with God forever. That's all! It is so easy to understand!… * * * The path is wide and beautiful, if you understand God's plan! The “eye of the needle” is for those who accumulate earthly riches that cannot be taken with them when moving to the “other world”. * * * One can only respond to love with love! However, one must also respond with love to all other emotions as well! * * * Every word should be weighty! Do not pronounce insignificant words! You must not lie: there must be absolute purity in words, deeds, thoughts, and emotions! The one who lies loses the trust and respect of both embodied people and the Holy Spirits. Lying is allowed only in exceptional cases: for the sake of saving worthy ones. * * * What was promised must be fulfilled! Breaking a promise is a sin before God! * * * Attention should be distributed between the Creator and the Creation. Neither one nor the other should be forgotten. * * * We need to learn to look at the fates of people — from God's perspective. We must not interfere with His plans — for example, by our pity for someone. In order to teach people, He sometimes has to hurt them. * * * God gives people the feeling of falling in love with each other. He also takes away this feeling, separating existing couples, when it becomes reasonable for each one to develop further in other conditions. * * * Love has many aspects: love-tenderness and affection, love-compassion, love-admiration… There is also love-gratitude and love-selflessness to help others. Do not forget to thank God for His help to you!
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