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The Master/What Does the Master Teach? What Does the Master Teach?Sometimes, He was asked, “What is Your Teaching?” On such occasions, He answered, “But I did not create any new Teaching! I just summarized and logically arranged what was already known. I also included what the Holy Spirits offered during the last years of my own discipleship with Them. And it really works! “This is not my Teaching at all, but the Teaching of God. “It contains Knowledge about the meaning of human life on Earth and about its implementation. And the peak of its realization is direct knowledge of God and Mergence with Him into One.” So, Who is God? The word God itself has several meanings: — The Creator (The Primordial Consciousness, God the Father, Tao, Ishvara, Allah, Svarog, etc.), — The Absolute (The Creator, coessential with His Creation, “having given birth” to It from Himself), — and numerous Holy Spirits, Each of Which are consubstantial with the Creator. The Absolute is multidimensional. It consists of layers with different levels of subtlety (eons, lokas). The subtlest of them, abiding in the very depths of the multidimensional space, is the Primordial Layer. It is one in the whole universe (in the whole Absolute). One of the main qualities of God is continuous development. The entire Creation was created by the Creator for the purpose of His own Evolution. For this, souls are embodied by Him in material bodies: first plants, animals, and then people. The task of man is to become a Part of God by merging with Him. But for this one needs to become Perfect. In order to approach God by the quality of oneself-soul and merge with Him, thereby enriching Him with oneself-consciousness, one needs to live many earthly lives. The transformation of a primitive, egocentric being in a human body — into a person who is rich in mind, kindness, and love, who selflessly serves people, and whose Goal is Mergence with God, is very gradual. The reason for the striking differences between people in any society is that all people (as souls) are currently at different levels of their evolutionary development. The peculiarities of their behavior depend on which stage of personal evolution they are at: the initial, only beginning to master life in a human body, or the more advanced, having had many successful incarnations in the sense of spiritual advancement. The conditions of earthly life in which each next incarnation takes place do not depend on the “position of the stars” at the time of his or her birth and not on the “whims” of God, but on the person, himself or herself. Each of his or her ethically significant actions predetermines his or her future fate — and not only in the current incarnation, but also in subsequent incarnations. Unfixed ethical vices continue to exist in many incarnations — until one defeats them in oneself. People themselves build their fates — in the literal sense of these words. A difficult fate is an “educational measure” applied by God: so that people — on themselves — feel what the victims of their crimes (including killing animals or complicity in such murders) felt, and learn compassion. An incarnation in conditions favorable for spiritual development is the result of one's unabated and persistent search for Truth both in past earthly lives and in the present. This is an opportunity to successfully complete one’s personal evolution, having reached Perfection and having merged into the United We of the Holy Spirits, becoming Its Inseparable Part. Then one can proceed from the achieved Oneness — already as the Holy Spirit: for the sake of helping embodied people in their spiritual development. Perfect Souls can do this work while also being embodied in material bodies. In this case, They are called Avatars, Messiahs, Christs, and Sons or Daughters of God. These words mean the same thing in different languages. Such a Soul is a Messenger of God the Father to the Earth and fulfills His Will in everything. His or Her Mission is to convey to people the true Doctrine of God, which has been lost or misunderstood by people, and to bring those, who are currently ready for this, with Him or Her to the Goal. Throughout the history of mankind, God has repeatedly sent His Children to the Earth in order to teach people His Main Quality — Love. Why, for millennia, have people, for the most part, rejected His Teaching? Why are there always those who “reframe” it to their current selfish needs? The Creator is the subtlest Consciousness in the universe. He is infinite in size. He is Perfect Love, Wisdom, and Power. The path to the Creator is, first of all, a continuous approach of the self-soul to Him through refinement and purification of oneself from ethical vices. An Avatar helps people by, among other ways, pointing out people’s vices — so that they can get rid of them. After all, people do not always manage to discover their own vices. An Avatar does not contain anything personal in Himself or Herself, being only an instrument in the Hands of the Creator. He or She speaks and does only what God wants to happen or be uttered at any given moment. * * * The main steps on the Path to Perfection are the following: — a true understanding of what is God, man, and the meaning of our earthly lives; — the development of oneself-soul (consciousness) as a spiritual heart; the first step to this is the purification and development of the anahata chakra, as well as the other energy structures of the organism, including the chakras, dantians, meridians, and segments. Together with this, one must also include the ethical work on oneself: rooting away vices (anger, irritability, violence, jealousy, envy, deceitfulness, resentfulness, laziness, etc.) and the development of positive qualities: tenderness, refinement of consciousness, humble wisdom, decency, goodwill towards everyone, the desire to give love, and the willingness to help those who need help; — the achievement of inner silence (“silence of the mind”, hesychia), which allows one, in the future, to learn to perceive the direct guidance of God; the path to this begins with gaining the ability to live with the concentration of oneself-consciousness in the anahata chakra; — refinement of oneself as a consciousness through attunement with the best manifestations of nature and art, adequate and impeccable (in ethical terms) sexual relations, communication with Divine Teachers; — the development of intelligence through reading worthy books, various activities in society, helping certain people, creative activity; — the development of the power aspect of the consciousness, which is carried out with the help of special meditative techniques and necessarily — only after reaching the appropriate level of purity and refinement of the consciousness; it is important to remember that strength should be developed precisely in subtlety; our intermediate task is to become huge loving spiritual hearts; the development of coarse force leads in the opposite direction from God; — direct cognition by oneself-consciousness of the multidimensionality of the Absolute; — mastering the Divine States of consciousness and gaining a foothold in them (the criterion for achieving complete success is the acquirement of the ability not to lose them under any circumstances, even in situations of threat to the life of the body); — mastering the “non-I” state of consciousness (“total reciprocity”) and other meditative techniques that allow one to merge (by the developed consciousness) with the Primordial Consciousness; — and assistance to worthy people in mastering all that which has been mentioned above. Appropriate places of power can successfully help one to master each subsequent stage of meditative improvement. More details on the system of spiritual perfection created by the Master can be found at www.swami-center.org. I consider this system, which includes the ethical, intellectual, and psycho-energetic components of perfection, to be the peak of development of all such directions of spiritual thought as Hesychasm, Sufism, and Yoga. Everyone can get acquainted with the materials on this topic and make a decision for themselves.
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