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The Master/About “Earthly” — and Spiritual Love About “Earthly” — and Spiritual LoveWhen people hear the word love, what comes to their mind? Mainly — it’s a relationship of sexual love. But for the seeker of Truth, the meaning of this word is broader, more comprehensive: after all, God becomes (or should become) the Main Object of one’s love. According to the opinion of some perverted sects, there is no place for so-called “earthly” love on the spiritual Path; they even call it “a sin”. However, this is not true. After all, such love can teach us the all-encompassing spiritual love and, thus, help us to advance on the spiritual Path. Furthermore, how can anyone love the “faraway” and “uncognizable” (in their opinion) God, if he or she does not know how to love even a person with whom he or she is close? How to learn to accept the Will of God, if in relations with another person it is so difficult to compromise and stop insisting on one’s own opinion — even regarding things of little importance? And how to learn to give one’s love, without egocentrically waiting for it to be returned by the other person? How to learn tenderness, affection, and care, if there are no situations yet in which this could be learned? Relationships of sexual love contribute to ethical and intellectual excellence. In particular, it is useful for everyone to honestly ask themselves: what is my primary objective: to receive pleasure — or to give it to another? Do I still have the ability to harm my partner in any way? And — if it were to happen — would I have the courage to take responsibility for the consequences? It is also important to form an appropriate attitude to “group sex” and other “innovations” that are now being cultivated for allegedly “developing the power of consciousness” (“personal power”). They invite everyone randomly, inviting even those who do not have a permanent partner to find him or her directly at such a “spiritual retreat”. There is a term called “adultery”. What does it mean? It means an excessive passion for sex, in which God, as one’s Primary Purpose, disappears from sight. He is replaced by sexual fantasies and the majority of one’s concentration on sex and on sexual partners. In addition, mutual caresses with such partners do not contribute to the development of refined emotions in oneself. And what about the development of “personal power”? Yes, it happens, but in this case coarse “personal power” is developed, which brings one closer to hell and not to the Creator. This is the result of “mixing the gunas”, that is, combining and mixing the energies of people with fundamentally different levels of energy on the “scale of subtlety — coarseness”. People with unrefined energy are the main participants in such “retreats”: spiritually advanced people will never take part in such events! And let's not forget about the threat of the spread of relevant diseases. This is the opinion of the Master, as well as mine. What happens between two loving people is an intimate matter. Only one witness is appropriate in such cases — God, who created people, in particular, for such love — for the sake of developing different shades of big love in them. Everyone who has entered the spiritual Path should find an answer for oneself to the main question posed by the situation of falling in love with a person: is my love for him or her greater than my love for God Who created us all? Is he or she a barrier between me and my Main Purpose? And if the answer is yes, then am I really, in this case, a seeker of Truth? I was looking for the answer to all these questions. And — I found them. * * * Parenting and raising children is another way to develop the ability to love. One can probably call it the most severe school of love. Indeed, true love requires all the strength of the soul! However, very often it is precisely an incorrectly understood “love for children” that ruins their fate. In such cases, they become selfish and cannot adapt to “adult” life. And what kind of child will such “adults” bring up in turn? By immensely spoiling and “pitying” children, agreeing with their caprices, we do them a disservice, making them incapable of coping with life. One of the motivations in raising children should be a constant memory that, sooner or later, they will have to face life on their own. What will they do then? And what will one answer to God, who entrusted one to raise them — His children? We all — each of us — will have to answer Him for what we have done with His many other children: animals, plants, and the whole planet on which we live. How many people, sincerely believing that they “love” animals, are capable… of eating their bodies, which were killed for our gluttony. And even after people learn about the terrible conditions of their murder, they continue to enjoy the taste of their bodies. And why is this happening? Because “everyone lives like that”! We have all been taught since childhood that killing… — is normal! And doing so, we all consider ourselves and each other to be… “good people”! But God has a different opinion. And He is trying to explain what someone else’s pain is, by giving those who have lived in sins an experience of their own pain — through illnesses and through a difficult death. On the spiritual Path, it is very important to learn a caring, affectionate attitude towards all (non-aggressive) living beings. The one who really loves is not capable even of “just” picking a blade of grass or a leaf! Such a person feels someone else's pain as his or her own. Having become a developed spiritual heart, he or she perceives everything that surrounds him or her — as their beloved. Gradually, it is revealed to him or her that our planet Earth itself was created by the Love of the Creator! It is the Part of God in the Aspect of the Absolute! * * * Only if one looks at all living beings as the Creator looks at them, does one understand that to love is to spiritually develop oneself and help other embodied souls in this. The life of God is a constant development! It is for this, for His own Evolution, that He created His Creation. Therefore, from the point of view of God, to love a person means to help him or her develop in himself or herself all the best and get rid of what is bad and superfluous. * * * You have always, for as long as I have known you, remained Who You Are: Love and Light. You have won all the battles! You didn’t step back even when the darkness surrounded me, when it seemed that there was nothing else except it and that there never would be!… You resisted even when it happened that I myself became… this darkness… You showed me then what it meant to love a person! You showed the true, highest meaning of these words!
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