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Teachings of God Second StepMost of all, we were informed about this by Jesus Christ and Sathya Sai Baba. But very valuable input into explanation of the ethical principles was done also by many other known to us Messiahs and Holy Spirits [2,4-6,12,20,22-35]. We always wanted to focus mainly on this subject as well. I repeatedly heard from different people that there is no reason — for them — to take care of their own moral integrity. They say: it is “they”, “others”, not I — who must do those self-examinations and repentances! The reason of the existence of such opinions should be seen in the fact that the ethical work on oneself requires a sufficiently developed intellect. But such is not the property of the majority of people in any social environment, including even the world of science [7]. Experience shows that those, who deny the need for constant careful ethical introspection, obviously do not possess sufficient intellectual potential for the successful spiritual growth. Intelligence gradually and not rapidly develops in every soul in a series of incarnations in human bodies, and even before that — in the bodies of animals. Therefore, some people may radically differ in their intellectual abilities. The gradation of levels of spiritual development is shown in the book [15]. From this, it follows that the high levels of spiritual development are yet fundamentally inaccessible to the majority of the people around. I had to make sure in this many times due to my own experience of past mistakes. For example, when I conducted group sessions on psychic self-regulation — all were happy while the courses lasted. Because such studies are encouraged by God, Who gives the bliss and — through this — He becomes obviously known! But then, after a while… I have heard in two cases at least about such opinion: “Why has he shown us God? We did not ask about it! I want to be an ordinary, normal person! When I die — then I will deal with God!”. I myself passionately strived to cognize Him, and did everything possible to help in this my friends. It seemed to me that they, too, are in love with Him, because all the time we talked only about it, and, it seemed to me, understood each other… But it turned out, I was wrong… A weak mind is unable to think in terms of such a grandiose (for it) and therefore frightening perspective! The Greatness of God and such problems as the meaning of why we are incarnated on the Earth and what we therefore have to do — scare it… And also scary are efforts on transformation of self-soul — which are not simple, not light, which should be applied regularly, not as a one-off. It is the work — up to the end of the incarnation, and it can be joyful only if we love God and work for Him, not for oneself. Young souls are not yet capable of such attitude towards this work. These people live only on the level of moderately developed reflexes of animals. (And some highly evolved animals are much more sophisticated intellectually — in comparison to so many people…) Jesus warned His followers — do not try to distribute the treasure of higher spiritual knowledge to primitive people; otherwise they will trample those treasures and devour you! (Matt 7:6) I myself had to go through two clinical deaths after an attack by just these primitives… [7,13]. There was much more similar in the following years: coarse slander listed in the dossier on me, which led to many years of close attention to me on the part of the relevant state services — with the surveillance, the control of correspondence, wiretapping, etc. There were at that time requirements to close the websites, threats to injure, “cremate alive,” new attempts to murder… So, by manipulating the thoughts and intentions of the people of vice (preparing themselves for hell), Holy Spirits check the worthiness of their disciples to be admitted to the next stages of spiritual growth. But I have learned to relate to actions of this abomination — quietly, because everything is under the control of God! … In connection with the above, I object to mass teaching — of the set by me high and higher methods of spiritual development. Let this knowledge (published in books, articles, and shown in video films) be primarily for personal use. In this form of work, everyone will take from it only that portion which each can accommodate at this time. Then — when the time comes — each will take more. Exceptions are only those initial steps which lead to the disclosure of the spiritual heart. It is namely these practices — that can be taught to children of any age [11] and to every adult. This will give everyone a chance to successfully continue the spiritual work on oneself — when there be the objective and subjective possibilities for this. Serious and rapid success on the spiritual Path can be achieved only by those who are developed intellectually, ethically pure and see the meaning of their lives in the cognition of God and service to Him. … Someone might ask me: but you personally in the past carried out mass courses on psychic self-regulation and ecopsychology, and now you say that it is wrong! Yes, i conducted them — with the blessing and guidance of God. It was necessary to construct a new branch of the modern science — the methodology of spiritual development, which includes, inter alia, the cognition and mastering the stages of development, which we are discussing in this book. At the same time, many of those students have received a great benefit in serious initial progress on the spiritual Path which will allow them in their future to move forward with a lot less efforts. But there were also those who could not understand the meaning of those lessons and came to them only for the sake of pleasant “herd” communication and the pleasure of meditations. They then fell into condemnation because, after completion of the course, that pleasure ceased, was not given to them longer… Now the development of that part of the methodology in question has been completed. And, in particular, the accumulated experience of teaching has allowed me to make conclusions about the impropriety in conducting such mass activities as have just been discussed here. The question may arise: why is it that such courses continue to be conducted now, for example, in Moscow? I answer. Due to the actions of my former followers in Moscow — acts contrary to my beliefs — I had to break off relations with those people. Then I, as the author of the methodology and concrete methods, banned those pseudo-teachers from using them. But those teachers did not obey. I have no ways to insist on the ban I have made. I will say more. The “spiritual leader” of the sect that was formed after I left those people — began to preach “total permissiveness,” including “mixing gunas” [4] in a field of sexual energies, — as “normal spiritual life.” He soon lost achieved primarily refined state of consciousness, developed an energy rudeness, his language became filthy, he even created and published on his website a whole poem, consisting almost exclusively of abusive language… And with all this, he spoke of God — reiterating the content of my books. He published — under his name — his lectures, which repeated almost word for word entire written and published works by me… I am telling about it, not because I was hurt by such shameless plagiarism. On the contrary, I had no intention to “privatize” this knowledge! It belongs to God and should be the common heritage of all humankind! I unselfishly allow all interested to republish my books and sell them with all gain — in their favor. I worked and am working not for myself but for God, for Evolution, for the spiritual benefit of humankind! I do not enjoy talking about these deplorable events. But the reasons of this story of mine are two. The first is that the people in our country, who are responsible for domestic policies, wrongly suspect all that mess going on as under my consent and leadership. These suspicions are supported by some followers of that spiritual perversion, who read my books; they wrongly call themselves the follows of Antonov. The second reason relates to my wish to familiarize readers with such possible “side-effects” in the process of spiritual development. That is — I seek to show that in the field of para-spirituality there may occur, in particular, such distortions, which are difficult to understand by those people who are resistant to perversions. The theme of God’s existence, aspiration to Him, serving Him, and efforts to become better before God and people — were for that monster and his followers totally alien! I think such people can cause only disgust. (Although I personally am not subject to such emotions; I only establish the reality). I only do not understand how others are able to communicate with such a “spiritual leader”… Or perhaps all of them are only children in adult bodies, playing “in spirituality”? And they still do not understand into what very bad game they are involved? That pervert discredits the spiritual science! Moreover, deliberately diverting others from God — because of his self-interest — he himself has become the enemy of God! And those, who support him, are going after him by the same way… And it is interesting that some people are able to degrade by this way, in spite of the fact that they even memorized and repeated the right words about God! But God is not really accepted by them in their own worldview…* … I once was asked by the Holy Spirits: “What is your attitude to those who first portrayed themselves as so intensely devoted to the work initiated by you, but then manifested themselves as traitors, enemies?” … I thought, then stated: “My attitude is calm: as to a waste of my scientific and spiritual life. I prefer only — no one try to sully my reputation. “I'm not the first to meet with this phenomenon: such distortions have always been in the history of spirituality on the Earth…” … In relation to this theme I would like to say more about true repentance. It consists in analyzing one’s own mistakes, first of all — the ethical. And also — the emotional remorse in connection with caused harm to someone. The only meaning of repentance consists in learning not to sin in the future: that is, not to commit again the same erroneous actions, to avoid harming others and myself (myself — in terms of the formation of my own fate) by evil thoughts and emotions. But there is a tendency among bad “shepherds” of some sects — to drive penitent parishioners to lifelong mourning and despair — due to the once committed true or invented sin. This trend is extremely nocuous: it teaches its victims heavy and coarse emotional states that are programming them to hell! Come to your senses! Shake off the despondency and despair! Do not go into those temples! Visit better the living nature with Holy Spirits filling it! Holy Spirits want to see us cheerful, happy, merry, blissful! Only as such, we can approach Them in Their states, and to learn directly from Them!
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