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God-Centrism/Comments from the Perfects Comments from the PerfectsAdler [8]: “There is only Universal God! The whole immensity of the universe is My One Organism! “I am the Lord of the universe! I live in you and in each of you! “This is the reality! Come into it! “In the Greatest Silence of the Transparent Calm — cognize the Unity of the Creator! “At the moment, there is no perception of anything other than God! There is only the Ocean of God — inside and out, above and below with respect to your body and your planet Earth! “Germinate in the Infinity with a variety of Hands — caressing, loving! “Then cognize how I live, going into each of the lokas of the Absolute, while remaining One God! “Learn to work being the Mahadouble [13,15,46]! When you are connected with My Infinite Love, I feel that My and your Hands can touch any point on the Earth, and Love allows you to stand as the Mahadouble where, there is God’s Intention to carry out the necessary work. “The embodied man becomes God when he or she joined him/herself with God in One. “At the end of Kalpa all Holy Spirits move into Peace of Turiynity. This is the rest for Them, “Night of Brahman”, as Krishna said [8,10,13]. And the matter of the planet — disappears, because I ‘take out’ Myself from it.” “There is the Primal Divine Ocean, not divided in the Divine Individualities. But each of the Great Souls that make up this Ocean, starting from Him, can say: “I am God!” — and shows the Power, Love, and Wisdom of the Whole.” “The Absolute is a Single Living Organism! The highest achievement of the spiritual warrior is to become identical with His Power — the Power of all the Absolute, not of this or that Individual Manifestation of Him. Then — such a Spiritual Warrior is able to manage any miracle: miracles — for turning in the faith the people of the material plane.” “God is behind every ‘door’ — right outside the gates of the spiritual heart. Here is the infinite Ocean of God, Inclusiveness of His Love! “Learn — with My help — to knock on these ‘doors’: to the spiritual hearts of others. Those, who are ready, will hear and open! And then — I will manifest Myself to them, and I will do this stronger!” Sathya Sai Baba: “When you are in Me, and when We are One, — then you can help to do it for millions of souls! I and all of Us will do it together with you! “I will be smiling from the pages of fairy tales — to kids! “I will teach teenagers the kindness, care, and intelligence, awareness of life! “I will tell to grown-up souls about the steps of the Path and lead them by the hand, and then — by Myself — to open a passage to the Primordial!” Thoth-the-Atlantean: “Sometimes you can see in a person the lack of “feedback” from other people. It is blossomed to full flower an ego-centrism. Such a person lives, manifesting the proud solitary “i” rather than to live for others, rather than to live, feeling them as myself.” Jesus Christ: “The acquisition of feeling others as myself — this requires sustained efforts!” Ódin: “Do not worry, if something goes wrong, as you think! Everything always happens as I want! “Observe, what I do want to tell you by this, and learn to understand, what lesson you should pass! As soon as the correct understanding comes and your life begins to conform to this new understanding of yours — the situation changes. Or — it begins to please you, not to hurt.” Babaji from Haidakhan: “It so happens sometimes that the ascetic on the Spiritual Path “yields”, being just a few steps away from the Goal. He or she says something like: ‘I have done everything I could! If it longer does not come out — then it is not necessary for God. And it’s time for me to leave…’. And it may be when to the state of complete Unity with My Love and Power — a stone’s throw!… “Leaving the body of each is determined by Universal We. This means that, as long as there exists life in a body, — there is also a task for which this life is given!” David Copperfield: “Anyone, who has a material body and at the same time can feel Us and interact with Us, — is very valuable! These people are able to bring light into the darkness of ignorance and suffering, in which most of humanity is submerged! “Be Clean Lights of the Primordial — for His Love to be manifested through you, so that It could touch other souls and give them hope! Be an example to others, showing that you can live in a way of harmony with the environment: with the Creation and the Creator! “God — a Real Living God — He is always here: in each moment of life of every being. He is — always and in all — helping, especially when He is called truly, by the spiritual heart! “Give others the subtle and tender states that you get from Us! Be an example for them in this and in everything else!” Kurgan-Bashi: “The principle of man’s spiritual life is the following: to use every day of life in order to come closer to God and in each moment to grasp the time when you can substitute your shoulder to God in the evolution of consciousnesses. “In other words, you should help others in everything good, especially in regard to the dissemination of spiritual knowledge!” Sulia: “Great feat is made by each who lives on the Earth for God’s sake! This was the Way of Jesus, Sathya Sai Baba, of Everyone of Those Who were standing and stand in front of you as the Holy Spirits!” Babaji from Haidakhan: “Full Unity with Me, Immortality, and the work ‘from My side’ — in the presence of the Deified body — it is a reality! And deeds ‘for you’ on the Earth in serving God and Evolution — do not count! “Anyone who enters the Final Mergence with the Primordial at the moment of final separation from the material body — is dear to Me! “But it is possible to do much more! “Anyone, who dared to take this final frontier, still being in the body, is the Great Hero of the Spirit! “God-Manifestation, showed through Him or Her, Who have become the Avatars, walking the Path of the Heart, is priceless! Visible miracles are only a tiny part of the Manifestation of the Power! They are like the splashes of waves, but the Power is the whole Ocean!” Adler: “You are the bearers of unique Knowledge! You have contained in your understanding the entire Path from man — to God! And now it will be necessary to give these treasures to those who want to take and can begin to execute it in their lives. “Carefully, not ‘mixing’ steps, not dragging those who are not ready, — help all! For anyone who wants to get better in the Face of God — there is now such an opportunity! “This knowledge should be available — as light, as air, and water! Do not worry if someone breathes — and does not notice it, drinks — and does not thank the Source… “All Creation lives in My Light and is built by My Creative Fire! “But not everyone can see and understand this. “Such is — the natural course of the Evolution.” Jesus Christ, the Apostles Mark and Matthew: “You are instructed to continue on the Earth the Service of Jesus Christ! Do this so — that all people on the Earth could get to know about the current New Testament! “First of all, it should be done through the publication and circulation ‘around the world’ of the most important of Our books. And many-many more should be created!”
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