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Kurgan-BashiTale of Radosvet and His HostThere once was a boy who lived in a large community. His name was Radosvet. But there was not much joy and light in his life… His father was killed, saving people of the community, when Radosvet was still very young. And his mother chose not to marry a second time, therefore they lived in poverty. Horses were the greatest asset of the community. Almost from birth, life was lived on horses, and all the affairs of the community were associated with them: horses were raised, herded, tamed, and sold. And, on horseback, they protected the borders of lands — both their own, and of neighboring tribes, who had recently paid for this with gold. When a boy reached the age of ten years old — and this age was considered the transition to adult life — he was called to receive a gift from his parents — his own horse! Those who could not afford to have horses due to poverty became the servants of rich commoners to earn one. Radosvet’s mother sometimes sang the ancient songs of their people to him. And it was conveyed in those songs, how in former times there were no enmity and self-interest between people, there were no malice, greed and envy. The horses were friends to people, not their servants. And there was a brotherhood of Free Riders who would guard all the neighborhoods from harm. And they would do this not for gold, but to take care of the people who lived on their native land. In those songs and legends, it was said that in ancient times there was respect for the elderly, care for widows and orphans, love in families, and agreement between them. The entire community was like one family — friendly, loving, and filled with a sense of unity — of both men and women, young and old. And there was a great patronage from God for the Free Riders. * * * Radosvet was almost ten years old. But there was no one who could give him a horse… Once, Radosvet heard how one of the richest neighbors came to woo his mother. He began to speak: “If you will agree to marry me — I will give your son a horse!” His mother replied: “Why do you need to have a wife who does not love you? “By the way, in the old days, since my husband saved people of the community, the community would have given a horse to his son from the communal herd… But now — everything is just bought and sold… “But love — cannot be bought!” “Think, Liubava! With me — everything could be all right!” — he said and left. Radosvet heard that conversation and went to his mother: “Tell me, mother, why is there no respect in our community for those traditions of which the songs sing and the tales tell? Discords are between people… It’s as if as a community we are living together — but each one strives just for oneself…” “Yes, life today is different from the songs and tales…” “Mother, I’ll make life the same as it was in the songs and tales! This depends on the people: the life around them is created by the way in which they themselves live their lives!” “Yes, my boy, your father said the same thing… And now — look what has happened: nobody will even give you a horse… “You know, Nestor offered to marry me, and he will give you a horse for this…” “A marriage cannot be filled with love if it only comes out of necessity! Do you love Nestor? “Even if I have to go work — it will not be forever! “Do not be afraid for me: I will have a horse, surely I will have one! But if you marry Nestor, then it will turn out — that we both will find ourselves in slavery!” “You are talking like an adult!” “Well, I really am already an adult: after all, there is only one more week until adult life begins!” * * * There was in the community’s herd, one young horse, who could not be tamed. He did not obey and did not heed any man! No matter how many times he was hit — he still did not want to be saddled! Because of this, he was nicknamed “Villain”. And the elders of the community decided: “Why feed this good-for-nothing horse, if he does not want to work for people — neither with cart nor under saddle? We need to kill him: at least the meat and hide will be worthwhile!” Such a bitter time had come in the community that some people began to eat meat of animals. And it was not from hunger or poverty, but for the sake of delicacy! Although, there were still those who observed the ancient customs and did not eat the flesh of killed animals. Radosvet asked his mother: “How is it even possible for someone to want to kill such a horse? How is it even possible to want to then eat his body? How can such men be called Free Riders, if they do such things?” And his mother said sadly: “We cannot answer for other people!… “I taught you what was commanded by God: ‘Do not kill and do not eat the flesh of those who have been murdered!’. Both your father and your grandparents lived so. But now — for many people — the Commandments of God and our ancient customs are not a decree…” * * * And Radosvet decided to save the horse. He rose in the middle of the night, went to the paddock, where the horse, prepared for slaughter, stood apart from the others. Radosvet removed the poles closing the passage, and said to the horse: “Run! Run away from here! You are not a villain, you are Free Wind! Be free!” The horse understood the boy. He came up and touched the hand of Radosvet with his warm lips, thanking him. And then — he ran… In the moonlight, it seemed that the beautiful horse was flying above the silver shining grass — and not just galloping along it. It was the flight of the fine horse, named — Free Wind! “Good luck, my friend!” — Radosvet whispered. * * * Radosvet was summoned to the community’s council of elders. As punishment, he was to be expelled from the community for three days, and to go alone to the mound-mountain: to ask God for forgiveness for his wrongdoing… In those days, it was accepted by people of the community to go to the mound and then worship God and their ancestors — the Great Free Riders, Who had been buried in the mound. People believed that the Great Free Riders of their kin, buried there, had also become Gods and were now able to protect the people, to save them from harm and to forgive their sins… … Radosvet departed. He did not consider himself guilty. But he could not disobey the order of the oldest members of the community: because then he would be forever banished from the community. He walked all day. Then, at night, warmed himself with a small campfire. And just before dawn he was again on the road. He went to the sacred place. The outline of the mound could already be seen in the distance. People now were afraid to come here alone. But Radosvet did not feel fear. On the contrary, he was glad that it might be possible to see or even feel Those Great Ones, about Whom people make up legends and tales, — the wise, good, and powerful Leaders of their kin… Maybe he could ask Them to help their community. And, maybe, he could also ask about a horse, which would be a true friend… Then Radosvet stood amazed… He saw a lake in the early morning fog and a beautiful horse that drank water. Here it is — the gift of the Gods of the mound! With a beating heart, the boy went closer and recognized the horse: he was Free Wind! The horse, too, recognized his liberator. He came up and put his head trustingly on Radosvet’s shoulder, and rubbed his soft lips on his cheek. “Are you — my horse? Do you agree to be my friend?” — Radosvet asked. He stroked the horse’s beautiful and strong neck. Free Wind agreed. And then, deciding to do something daring, Radosvet leapt onto his back. The horse did not resist the little rider. He accepted the leadership of the man-friend named Radosvet! Radosvet thought that he needed to go to the mound — and the horse started going there, as if reading the rider’s mind! “Faster!” — Radosvet asked mentally while more strongly clenching the horse’s sides with his knees. Free Wind ran. “And even faster — is it possible?!” — and the horse ran even more quickly, flying over the sea of fog, lit up with the rising sun! And now they were even galloping! Radosvet had never experienced anything like this! The horse and the boy merged together! Joy! Freedom! Love! Wow, you are so beautiful, our beloved Earth!… … And so, they made it to the mound… * * * They stopped in front of the mound, protruding from the mist. The top was illumined by the morning sun, while the bottom still laid in moist shadows. Radosvet dismounted. The boy and the horse stood in silence in front of the sanctuary of the kin of Free Riders. Here it is — the mound, the burial site of the Greatest of the kin of Free Riders, Who knew God and spoke with God. Here, many subsequent generations of people worshiped Them and prayed asking for good luck and health, a good harvest, or victory in battles… But… in recent years, people no longer saw successful responses to their requests to the Gods, for life in the community had become unkind… “It would be so great to be able to talk with God as the Great Free Riders were able to!” — Radosvet thought. — “Or maybe God is not interested in our prayers and worship? Or maybe it is necessary to talk with Him in a different way?” When Radosvet first thought about the Great Free Riders, Who knew God, he could never imagine Them on Their knees beseeching God for success, or burning sacrifices in order to get success in Their deeds… Suddenly, an old man, a Magus, went to meet the boy. Radosvet heard about Magi — Keepers of the Divine Wisdom — but thought that Their time had passed as well, together with the Great Free Riders. The boy bowed to the Magus, touching the ground with his hand. “What did you come to ask?” — the Magus asked. “I was sent to apologize for the fact that I released a horse to freedom…” “It seems that the horse is not offended at you for your act!” — the Magus smiled. — “He agreed to be your horse!” “Yes, I would like to thank God for it! I also would like to ask Him: how to make the life in our community better? But I do not know how to talk to God. Can You teach me?” “You think well, and want to be kind. I’ll teach you. “So, listen! God is everywhere. He is always present here and everywhere. He is omnipresent! He hears your every thought and word, and sees your every action. He knows all that you want to say to Him, in the same moment that you think about it. “But in order to hear and understand God’s answers — you still need to learn a lot. “See: this meeting with Me is one of the responses of God to you! “You can learn to see God and understand His Will. But remember: first, in order to change something in the life of people in the community, — you have to start with the transformation of yourself. And then, everything around will also begin to transform! “God, the Creator of this world, is the wisest and strongest Love! Therefore, in order to feel God, you must also learn to be wise and strong Love! “I’ll give you three tasks. To complete them, you should always be full of love for God and His whole Creation. “Here is your assignment: “Learn to be the calm of the lake. “Learn to stop the wind. “Learn to keep the Earth and the Fire of the Great Sun — on your hands.” “How to learn this?” “Ask from the lake, from the wind, and from God. “By trying to complete it, you will learn to feel the help of God and His presence. Perhaps you might even hear His advice. When you’re ready, come back here, I’ll wait for you.” “Do You live here?” “No.” “How then will You know when I have understood and performed Your tasks?” “Just as today God brought Me here to talk with you — I will know the time of our next meeting, when you are ready for it. “In the meantime, tell the elders of the community My words: ‘A great war could destroy all the people from the kin of the Free Riders and many other kins, if people will not fulfill the Will of God, and live by His Laws. And also, the new Great Free Rider, Who has come to the Earth, must become the head of your kin.’” Radosvet bowed to the Magus, jumped on the back of Free Wind, and returned. * * * … The day of full age of Radosvet had come. His mother could not contain her anxiety: her son had already been gone for several days. And then she heard shouts: “Look! Look! Radosvet won Villain!”. In the streets of the village, Radosvet rode on Free Wind. Even without reins and stirrups, the horse submitted to his young rider. Surprised residents poured into the street and made way, letting young Radosvet ride by, who rode quietly and happily, favoring everyone with a kind smile! … The elders listened anxiously to the boy who had conquered the horse and returned with a message from the Magus… And where to find that Great Free Rider, Who had come to the Earth? And what will happen to them, the elders, if that unknown and powerful leader became the head of the kin? * * * Radosvet did not forget about the tasks of the Magus. But how to perform them: how to learn to listen to the lake and become its calm? … One quiet morning at dawn, Radosvet went to the shore of the lake. He sat on the shore and began to try to talk to the lake. But the lake was silent… Then Radosvet also stopped thinking and listened to the silence of the lake… He already knew that it is possible to understand — without the help of words. Like this, one can understand both humans and other creatures. One can understand both a smile, a touch, and a look. And also — any emotion, and thought. And Radosvet smiled in the silence — by the soul — to the lake. Then the lake — also smiled to Radosvet by its delicate beauty. Radosvet undressed and went into the water. The lake caressed him with the gentle swaying of the clear water. Radosvet again sat down on the bank and listened to the silence of the lake. He admired the beauty of the mirror-like water surface, which reflected the sky with light white clouds that were a little colored with the pinkish rays of the rising sun. The sky was as if both above and below… Clouds floated slowly both in the sky, and in the reflection in the water… It seemed that the sun was rising both in the sky, and under the surface of the lake… Only the double stripe of light mist separated the sunrise in the sky — and its reflection in the lake… Love — both to the lake, and to the sky, and to the sun, and to everything that exists both on and outside the Earth — covered Radosvet, and filled the entire space around! Above, below, and on all sides — there was now only Love! It was in the silence of the clear lake, and in the silence of the hills, and in the air touching the reeds near the shore, which almost inaudibly rustled their silent song of love, dropping dew into the lake! Amazing peace embraced and filled Radosvet! And then Radosvet heard the Voice of God: “You have understood the mystery of the lake’s calm! Silence, filled with love of the spiritual heart, opens the doors to Me! “From now on, always, when you are immersed in such silence, — you can hear Me! “Now learn to stop the wind!” * * * But how to learn to stop the wind? Radosvet always loved the wind. He loved — when its light gusts were touching his face, and when he himself raced on horseback through the air. And then Radosvet decided that, for starters, he could try to catch up with the wind. He called his horse. The wind — immediately began to blow. And now — they raced with the wind! The wind was flying over the steppe caressing the grass, which danced in its touches, like waves of the sea. Joy — overfilled the heart of Radosvet! The horse of Radosvet also felt the great joy of racing! The rider and horse flew — with the wind — over the expanse of the steppe! The wind as if presented them with huge transparent wings! And then they were no longer just galloping, but flying! They were flying together with the sunlight that was penetrating the clear morning’s air! Waves of grass swayed under them!… Radosvet tried to feel how great is the wind, how far its wings stretched — front and back, left and right, top and bottom… And suddenly he realized that he had caught up with the wind: he felt like a free soul, free and large — like the wind! He felt that he could now, like the wind, also fly over the expanse of the steppe, filled with the morning sunlight, and — embrace all beings with his great love! And then, the understanding came to him that he could stop this flight, retaining its vastness and transparent subtlety. And at the same time, the wind, the grass, and the open spaces — all of them are now… in me… And he heard the Voice of God: “You have solved the second task: you understood what it means ‘to stop the wind’. “Now learn to keep the Earth and the Fire of the Great Sun — on your hands.” * * * As time went on, Radosvet grew. He now had many friends: because Radosvet was now a very special young man — full of peace and spreading love around from his heart. Radosvet taught his friends what he had learned from the Magus, and the things that he had learned while doing those tasks. And they all learned the art of galloping and military combat — to help protect their land from the terrible war, predicted by the Magus. So, a new army of brave and good boys gathered around Radosvet. They learned, among other things, to fight with swords — both right and left handed, as their ancestors could. They learned to fight, defeating enemies with the strength of the soul. And having won — not to kill opponents, but, rather, only to disarm them and send them home. And from other kins, the bravest and strongest young men came to be warriors of Radosvet too. … There was a boy in the village whose name was Miroslav. From birth, he was skinny and weak, frail and awkward. Everyone laughed at him, and anyone could offend him. In a fight — the result was always the same: any boy claimed the upper hand over him. But Miroslav did not hold a grudge against anyone. Sometimes, he only raised his long lashes, looked at them surprisingly with his big and beautiful almost girl-like eyes, as if saying: “Why are you trying to hurt me?” — and smiled to the offender sweetly. The only thing Miroslav knew, — was how to sing old songs and how to compose new ones. And if he started singing — everyone listened with pleasure! Radosvet loved to hear Miroslav’s songs. And he stood up for him whenever someone tried to hurt him. … When Miroslav came to Radosvet to ask for induction into the host — many laughed at him. But Radosvet was delighted — and accepted him into the host! And they became best friends. … In just a short time, Miroslav had changed: his body went from clumsy — to slim and flexible. And an unusual strength developed in his voice. He also learned to ride on horseback, and to use a sword and other weapons. He also was awakening souls by the ancient songs of good and freedom, and he himself composed songs of love and beauty, about God and human life in Him. … Like this, the warriors led by Radosvet lived, studying the art of the combination of love and power. … But Radosvet could not solve the mystery of the third task of the Magus. The Earth, he thought, will not fall… And the sun shines by itself, going up in the morning and setting in the evening… And there is probably no need to intervene in this order of things, created by God. And how wise and great should be that one, who would hold the Earth on his hands?… And it is doubtful that another sun should be lit… * * * At that time, the ambassadors from a foreign сaesar had come to the elders of the community. They, both people and horses, were dressed in outlandish armor. They did not come in peace. They demanded payment of huge tribute — in gold, horses, beautiful girls, and young men for the сaesar’s army. They said that their ruler possesses great power, that he has subdued many countries, and that his army is huge. And if during the allotted term, he does not receive the tribute, then he will come with a huge army. And he will take whatever he wants. If the Free Riders will not submit to him voluntarily — he will erase them from the face of the Earth. And these lands and wealth — will all be his, and not just that part of it which he now demands as tribute… The ambassadors left. The elders were frightened! They gathered the whole community, and the people then thought for a long time about what to do. Some said that they should obey and pay the tribute. Other families which had young boys and beautiful girls, which were required by the сaesar, — said that they should not obey… And Radosvet said that the kin of the Free Riders should not submit to the сaesar. Then the elders recalled the prediction of the Magus. And they told Radosvet to go to the mound — to the Magus, to ask where to find the new Great Free Rider Who will rescue them. * * * Radosvet departed. But he remembered that he did not solve the third task of the Magus, and he was not so sure that the meeting would happen… He tried to talk with God, asking Him what to do. But God did not answer… But when Radosvet approached the mound, the Magus was already waiting for him. Radosvet told Him about the invasion of the foreigners that threatened the kin. He said that the kin of the Free Riders needed help. “We need the wise leader, who was foretold by You. He should be a leader of strength and kindness, who will unite people to stop infighting and will be able to protect everyone from the foreign invaders.” Radosvet said that he is ready to go even to the ends of the earth to find that new Great Free Rider and persuade Him to lead the people. The Magus smiled faintly and said: “Your request has been heard by God. And help has already been sent to your kin! This Messenger of Heaven has already been born in your nation. He will bring freedom and prosperity to many people for many years!” “Tell me: how to find Him?” “He is — very close! His name is Radosvet! Why are you so pale?” “It is not easy to accept: I have come for help — and found that the aid is hidden namely in myself!” … Radosvet knew about himself that he had both love, and power… And that he was ready to help people overcome their troubles… But… so suddenly… “I do not feel like a great and wise ruler, nor do I feel like a great warrior or a Messenger of God. I still have barely even learned to sometimes hear God’s advice… This is all that I can do…” “It is good that you do not consider yourself worthy. If one considers oneself a prophet before becoming a prophet, then, what must happen, would not be allowed to happen. Even the great ones ruin themselves by vanity and pride! It happens because the Almighty Will, Which must be carried out by that man, becomes lost in the sense of self. “The Great Power and Omnipotence of God are open only to those who, having forgotten about themselves, serve the Creator. “I’ll help you a bit. I’ll teach you how to realize the Divine in yourself. “To begin with, how to distinguish between what comes through you from God — and what are just manifestations of the personal self, which, by their nature, are just the personal desires of the man? “The future of your friends, your people, your country, or even the whole Earth, depends on the extent to which you are able to understand and implement this!” … And the Magus taught Radosvet how to attain the Mergence with the Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Power. Radosvet then felt great love for God — and the Great Power of Love hugged him! So, he had cognized how the human soul merges with the Love of God! Then He felt that He — as a soul — became so huge, much larger than our planet, and consisting of the Purest and Subtlest Living Light. He tried to take the Earth on the Hands of the Soul, which were issuing from the Spiritual Heart of the Soul. And He felt then His responsibility for every creature living on the Earth. Then He plunged into the immense depth, filled by the most delicate and subtle Divine Fire, like the Sun, but of a size superior to anything imaginable. “I am the Fire of Love, coming from the original depth and creating life. Now You have cognized Me as the Great Sun — in Your Spiritual Heart!” — the Words of God sounded. By doing this, Radosvet realized that it was He Himself Who had become the Great Spiritual Heart and the Great Sun. And He heard further: “Now — You know Me, the Father of all things! “I have shown You Myself as the Source of Power that will always be at Your disposal when You are One with Me. “Through the Heart of the Earth — the passage opens to the Force of Me, the Almighty! “This Power can fill Your body and act through it. “From now on, you will be able to use the Flow of My Power to carry out acts of creation, to help the needy, and to protect all that is good. “But never transgress My Will by Your personal desire to help, because external help is not always useful! “My Strength is an Open Source. But It may be cognized only by that man who has a kind heart, who does not have impure thoughts, and who always knows My Will and follows My Will, and not his or her own desires. “My Strength exceeds the strength of any weapon. All the energies in the universe are submitted to Me! “But My Power can be used only by one who is Divinely pure in his or her thoughts, and, in particular, does not want anything for himself or herself! “Go — and teach Your friends too! Then Your army will be invincible! “I’ll be in You and with You! “My Love will be Your Love! “My Strength will be Your Strength! “My Love and Power will also grow in each of Your friends!” * * * Radosvet wished to thank the Magus for the wise lessons, but… did not see anyone around. And then Radosvet went back. Love for God, for people, for our planet, and the determination to save His people from foreign oppression — overfilled Him! He asked God to show Him always what He should do. … Radosvet returned. There was with Him and in Him — the Divine Strength and Love, and the Great Divine Sun was shining in Him. He told His friends about what He had learned: “The Magus told Me, that God has ordained Me to the role of the One Who will save our kin… I do not know if it’s true… But we have no other way out. And there is no sense in waiting for more help, for there is nowhere else that it can come from. Perhaps, particles of the Great Divine Force are embodied in each of us. And if you help Me — then we can do it!” Miroslav sang an ancient song of the Great Free Riders. Friends echoed his clear voice. Everyone stood around a large campfire and sang, feeling their unity in love and courage. In the center of the circle, a fire was burning, and it seemed that from it — the Divine Fire flared in the hearts of these brave warriors! … Later, the host of Radosvet stood, like a shield, on the border of the protected areas. Radosvet taught His friends: “If in a confrontation at least one nation is free from hatred and fear — it is invincible! We have already won this battle even before it started! And now, all that is left to do, is to be able to explain it to our enemies: so that without shedding blood in vain, they retreat back into their land and no longer try to conquer us — the Free Riders!” * * * The caeser's army approached the land of the Free Riders. They stopped and saw in amazement the small host that went to meet them. One of the members of the group separated from the others and began to approach. The leader of the сaesar’s army thought: “Of course, he is going to surrender and to discuss the conditions under which their land will become part of the сaesar’s empire. They will not be able to resist my great army! It makes no sense to battle!” Radosvet approached. The leader looked with interest at the “barbarian”, who, it could be seen, was not afraid. Radosvet offered the сaesar’s army to give up, since the strength was not on the side of the сaesar. The leader laughed! He appreciated the humor and courage! But Radosvet was not joking: “If you want to avoid defeat and stay alive — go back voluntarily, otherwise you will die or flee!” Swords and spears were raised against the daring one, but the leader of the troops ordered to release Radosvet. … Radosvet’s host stood on a small hill in the middle of a harvested field. The caesar’s huge army closed their ranks, and awaited the command to attack. “What can a handful of riders do? The outcome of the battle has already been decided,” — the leader of the сaesar’s army was perplexed. At this point… Miroslav began to sing. The ancient song flew over the field and reached the сaesar’s troops. Then Miroslav lit a torch and rode along the row of ricks of straw, burning them. A wall of fire began to rise. A gust of strong wind — and fire, rising above the ground yet not touching it, moved towards the сaesar’s army. The wall of fire was approaching — and panic swept over the army. The flame was moving above the ground, it was not even burning anything, but still the fire was getting higher and more furious! The New Great Riders carried this wall of fire in front of them as a huge shield and raced faster and faster… The caesar’s battle-hardened warriors fled, broken by horror of incomprehensible delusion… Even after crossing the river, they did not stop there… Only after a while, was the leader able to restore order among his warriors. But none of them were even thinking about how to go back and try again to engage in battle. … The leader sent a report to the сaesar that the “barbarians” of these lands know the special magic secrets, and that it would be wrong to go to war against these lands, unless they wanted to destroy their own army. So, the land of the Free Riders and the lands of many other Slavic kins remained free. * * * Calm and peace fell to the land. Radosvet and his warriors returned home. And the great glory of the host of Radosvet for many years lived in all the nearby lands. That was the glory of the New Great Free Riders, Who knew God, and Who were able to keep the Earth in their hands and to shine by hearts like the Sun! Many people from different lands came to learn how to be like these warriors who knew the Laws of God, by which people could both transform themselves and build a beautiful life on the Earth!
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